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Share some NSCA Certitication CSCS exam questions and answers below.
Each muscle fiber is surrounded by a connective tissue called?
A. Fasiciculi
B. Perimysium
C. Endomysium
D. Epimysium
Answer: C
What type of muscular contraction occurs in the pectoralis major during the slow, controlled, downward phase of a bench press?
A. Concentric
B. Isometric
C. Myocentric
D. Eccentric
Answer: D
What is the thick structural protein inside the sarcomere?
A. Actin
B. Myosin
C. Sarcoplasm
D. Sarcolemma
Answer: B
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Besides, the Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist CSCS dumps pdf we sold are to provide the answers. Our IT experts team will continue to take advantage of professional experience to come up with accurate and detailed exam practice questions to help you pass the exam. In short, we will provide you with everything you need about NSCA certification CSCS exam.If your budget is limited, but you need complete exam material. Then you can try the Passtcert Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist CSCS dumps pdf. Passtcert can escort you to pass the IT exam.
Share some NSCA Certitication CSCS exam questions and answers below.
Each muscle fiber is surrounded by a connective tissue called?
A. Fasiciculi
B. Perimysium
C. Endomysium
D. Epimysium
Answer: C
What type of muscular contraction occurs in the pectoralis major during the slow, controlled, downward phase of a bench press?
A. Concentric
B. Isometric
C. Myocentric
D. Eccentric
Answer: D
What is the thick structural protein inside the sarcomere?
A. Actin
B. Myosin
C. Sarcoplasm
D. Sarcolemma
Answer: B

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